Thursday, November 10, 2011

Full moon rising - November

So we are rocketing towards 11/11/11. In true human style, people are getting excited about the day with the triplet date. Mayan elders have been crossing the width of the US with 13 ancient crystal skulls, between the last day of the Mayan calendar (October 28th) and 11/11/11. Some are claiming it as a portal date of a new era, or a transition time - see this post on  From the Wetware if this is your sort of thing. Do you have any wisdom you can share on this date or is it all a load of hoo-haa? (see comments section below for events going on at 11:11, 11/11/11).

But dates aside, tonight is full moon. Do you celebrate full moon? Mark it in your diary? Plant by it? Find your children go a little loopy? Does it affect your menstrual cycle in any way?

I have found that my own cycle is now totally aligned with the moon's phases. I ovulate at full moon and my creative energy surges at this time. I find this energy enhanced by going and being outside in the moon light - to recharge my intuitive/ creative energies. (For last month's full moon post see here).  It really is quite mystical and magical. If you haven't tried this yet, perhaps you will tonight?

My dear friend Becky Jaine of Monkey Chi, Monkey Do,  is coordinating another Full Moon Circle. You may remember we started doing this back in August. I extend the invitation to you...

 "This is a special invitation to a Sacred Full Moon Circle to honor the November Full Moon and celebrate each other and our life's intentions. This month's Circle will focus upon Renewal: renewing our commitments and intentions that serve our bodies, minds, spirits and our purposes on Earth.

This November's Full Moon offers tremendous powers to help us reconnect and reignite an intense focus on our most important intentions in our lives, our calling and our purpose on Earth. We each can renew our commitments to how we wish to live and create our lives. If this speaks to you, please take a few moments this week to write down your closest heart's desires and intentions. Feel free to share here, to create more energy around your intentions and help one another by collective focus, and thinking of each other's aspirations during our Moondance. This will increase our personal power and help to draw and create our intentions for each other.

It really doesn't matter WHEN we do it, OR if you can see even see Mother Moon. She's there, rain, clouds, full whether appearing to our eyes or not.

Together we dance under the moonlight and create energy around renewal and intentions. If you want to actively join us, list your name and location on our beautiful planet, and your intentions for renewal (if you like) we'll be sure to keep you in our minds and hearts."

For some beautiful moon poetry follow this link!


  1. I love this post : )
    The moon's cycles are very important to me on a number of levels - it's entwined with my spirituality: I plant by the moon, mark my menstrual cycle by the moon, and I always observe the full and dark moons. I find the lunar rhythms very reassuring as well, a deeper rhythm to be guided by than the hurry-scurry of the clock. It helps me to check myself and centre myself in a more ancient, grounded energy.

    I tend to experience interrupted sleep on the full moon, and my cats go completely insane...swinging from the curtains in the middle of the night...hehe.

    Not sure what to make of the whole Mayan 11.11.11 phenomenon, but I think there's definitely a sense of energy building - even if just through a collective consciousness of this date...and the concept of it being a portal to a new era is certainly an appealing one. It's fascinating stuff.

    Oh and I love that you participate in a Sacred Full Moon Circle - I've loved doing this in the past and want very much to create it again.
    Happy full moon!

  2. This is a post from bmindful which was shared on the Goddess circle, which I thought would be good to share here.

    "Hello all I hope you will join in to make this hour the greatest in all out lives and the future lives of all! On July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT, the world’s largest mass meditation was held with an estimated several million people in over 80 countries participating in a timed meditation to bring our human energy of love to the planet for the healing of our world. See a new world and then become the force of that change. It all begins with setting that intention on November 11, 2011 at 11:11 GMT. No money necessary, no gadgets, no must dos or guilt trips necessary. Just one collective mind charged with a loving heart, changing the way it thinks then charging the energy field in which it lives. “Let the pearl inside reveal what’s real.” REMEMBER who you are, stand and change the world we live in.
    Collectively, we hold the power to manifest what we need and desire to create a world of joy and abundance for us all
    Now is the time to unite and become one field. Unite as one people, one heart and one mind and with one intention to create a loving sustainable world. Not only for us now but for us as a species for generations to come.
    Meditate on all the wonderful things you want the world to be like. (For me it is everyone to have a safe and happy home. Food for all, peace for the whole world, love is the greatest, health, happiness. Beautiful clean healthy air, mountains, seas, and the ability to communicate lovingly with all animals and insects, all families to love one another. For parents and teachers to teach about being individualists and being happy for it. That all people love and help one and other. ) Add all you want for yourself and this new world. It is finally our time to unite and be happy!
    Love and light to all,"

    a 'global' event taking place on the evening of 11/11/11 @ 9:30pm EST where everyone will be breathing as one for peace & unity. it was originally supposed to be a concert performed by sheryl crow & breath portion led by jeff primack with 10,000 people in attendance at an arena doing this, but i guess it shifted somewhere down the line to a smaller local event to include a live online portion.

  3. Thanks Antoinette - yes I've noticed that I sleep v badly at full moon too. I haven't gotten into moon planting, but am sure that will come!

  4. I have always sensed the power of the full moon but have just recently begun to pay more attention and think about the possibilities. Tonight (I'm in Toronto Canada) I will dance under the moon in the cool night air- even if just briefly and bask in it's strength and beauty, as my beauty and power is called forth with intentions to listen to my creative heart, feed her, nuture her and indulge her.



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