Thursday, March 1, 2012

I am brave!

I am brave.

These past weeks and months, this has been my mantra.

Though a lot of the time I really don’t feel it. I keep on doing it.

Enough of fear being my best friend. My comfort zone is now a far distant land, somewhere near Kazhakstan.

What scares me? Putting myself out there to be criticised. Making contact. Risking rejection. Making new friends. Asking for money. Talking about women’s things. Conflict. Writing. Painting. Not knowing if we’re going to have enough money to get through the year. Calling myself a writer/ creative.

Just little things. Except they’re as big as the Himalayas! To others they may seem little things. But they are my peaks of courage, my initiations.

So here I am, with sword in hand, courage in heart, swiping though the brambles of fear…

In Flora Bowley’s wonderful Bloom True painting course that I am doing this week the topic is BRAVE! She says that you have to be prepared to get out of your comfort zone to get to the place where magic can happen. So true. I am loving painting again, but oh goddess did it take courage to get started.

My book: Moon Time: a guide to celebrating your menstrual cycle is officially OUT. This is brave on so many levels – brave topic, brave personal writing, brave self publishing, brave first book, and then having to be brave, write PR and ask people to buy it!

It’s on and (though please don't buy from the UK site as I am not getting a penny from it), from the Book Depository, Moon Times and soon from Susun Weed’s Wise Woman Book store. This required more courage than you could imagine.

So I’ll be brave, and ask you, dear reader, take a chance on my little book, it might just change your life. It’ll certainly put you back in contact with your cycle and creativity and other women.

Please do buy from me at The Happy Womb! I would be delighted to sign a copy for you and write a personal dedication.

Please accept this discount as a little thank you for being a devoted reader DAMTB and to entice you to buy it from me in the place that best supports me and my family’s finances.

This week I feel just how brave we are being taking a financial chance on my creativity as the bills mount, and the money is yet to come in.

A book I had ordered weeks ago: The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer arrived yesterday. Getting back into teaching, teaching my stuff, woman-craft, from the heart is taking massive courage. My dear soul sister Tracy and I will be teaching our first workshop on April 15th in Cork City. The topic: touching your power, but  of course!

Today I am sending off emails to big names – Ina May Gaskin’s interview questions (to appear in The Irish Examiner and JUNO), Lynn Andrews to get permission to quote for the next book. Scary, scary - shaky hands and butterflies in my stomach!

And so synchronicity of course, Goddess Leonie’s latest blog post popped into my inbox today – all about courage – what a truly inspiring, and brave woman she is! Do take a moment to check it out

How are you being brave in your life? Do you really own your courage? Where are you right now in relation to your comfort zone? Feel the fear… and do it anyway!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just purchased a paperback. Good luck with everything and here's to courage and being brave!

    1. Thank you Angela! Will package it up tonight. :)

    2. It arrived today and I just finished my book last night - such perfect timing. Excited to read this evening x

  3. Like you I am being brave in trying to find ways to share my heart and soul in the world, trying to be brave to risk the failure and success that might follow, trying to be brave by keeping on showing up even when I feel like giving up. Good luck brave heart!

  4. What great projects you are diving into! That is brave. And I get a feeling that the braver we are the more courage we will have : ). And the further towards our dreams we can go.

    I'm organising my first workshop too in March and although I am really nervous about it I know it's the right thing for me to do. I'll be teaching some pretty brave souls how to communicate with their angels and guides so the topic is also kind of brave : ). I love this new energy and all the amazing projects I see blooming around me.

    Good luck and have fun being brave : ),


  5. What great projects you are diving into! That is brave. And I get a feeling that the braver we are the more courage we will have : ). And the further towards our dreams we can go.

    I'm organising my first workshop too in March and although I am really nervous about it I know it's the right thing for me to do. I'll be teaching some pretty brave souls how to communicate with their angels and guides so the topic is also kind of brave : ). I love this new energy and all the amazing projects I see blooming around me.

    Good luck and have fun being brave : ),


  6. Hey, you are so massively brave! I still dream longingly of all those things you've achieved. I would like to buy a copy but just tried and the coupon code didn't work... could you check it out? I think it would also be better publicity for you if you publish a new post just about the offer with the coupon code.

    1. Hey Anna
      Thanks so much for trying to buy and sorry you experienced a problem.
      I just checked it and should be fine - I have just been adding a mailing list to the site - so maybe my fiddling about was affecting it - if so, sorry!

      I know when I was testing it this morning, I thought the coupons weren't working because the price next to the code didn't change - but if you scroll down to the bottom the price should have been amended. It was working an hour ago when Angela bought hers - (thx Angela!! :) )

      Hope this helps - do try again - any more probs let me know.

  7. Hello, brave woman!
    Sounds great what you're up to and for me it's so comforting and inspiring to see that you have fears just like mine. :) And you're doing it anyway.
    Your art is wonderful! I love the vibrant colours and the balance you find in them once you're finished.
    There's a great buzz going on on your blog, I will be reading more from you.

    Love ♥


  8. Thank you all for your lovely words.

    Welcome Sofie - where did you find me?

  9. Apologies Lucy, that was what happened - it had added the discount, I just hadn't seen it... A x

  10. Lucy! you are soo brave! Susun Weed and all the big names! wow! As I was reading you I nearly cried of excitement! I could feel your courage throught this post. yes yes yes to you, your paintings are so beautiful! Lots of love xxx

  11. I just commented on your post from a different address but it was me! Meztli aka Belinda :) love you x

    1. Thank you Belina... And there I was thinking that I'd just hit the big time in the Spanish speaking world when I saw the commenter names. V chuffed with all the support from the big names x

  12. Being creative and putting our work out there is scary as all get out! Bravo for going through with it!

    My brave thing recently was changing up the focus of my website, and now trying to work out a coaching service. I've never coached anyone before in my life (except occasional English tutoring), and I'm scared to death! But I'm going to suck up that bravery and do it anyway!

  13. Bravery comes when you least expect it! when i did my first storytelling I remember that I was really nervous, but the story HAD to be told, I opened up and it flowed through me, and that was infront of 120 primary school children. some of them still say to me "are you the lady who tells the Serpent story?" You are very brave writing books, accepting that someone may not like your work, (eg publishers rejection emails) but keeping going anyway! I for one am looking forward to your next book!

    Creative Rainbow Mamas we are, weaving colours with our minds xx


  14. I just bought a copy of your lovely book. :) I'd love it if you could sign the copy for me, please...!

  15. Yes, you ARE BRAVE. Yay! *Confetti* Bravity is not to feel fear but to do it anyway - I am reminding me constantly. I know so many of your fears! For me the worst thing is personal marketing and yet I need to to it. I dealed with this a lot this week - I call it "face the dragon" and then some day I will be able to ride this dragon and rock my business and life. So I hope some day is soon - So let´s start. You are wonderful brave - I love that you just did it! wonderful!



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