Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Through the ice window

It has been bitterly cold outside here, spring may have sprung, and the flowers are up, but yesterday the polar wind was howling right down from the north, and so we snuggled up warm in front of the fire with a movie, and watched the snowflakes swirling in the late afternoon light.

It was too cold to spend much time outside. But in five minutes.... and a little waiting time... we made magic!!  It's been ages since we've made and shared some ephemeral art on Dreaming Aloud - I LOVE doing it - read more about it here!

An ice window! Which is now swinging on our washing line, glimmering icily in the bright morning sun.

And you can make one too if the cold winds are blowing round your way... It's a great nature activity to get everyone, big and small outside and active for a short time before running in to warm up with hot chocolate and marshmallows...

The next chilly day, gather some spring flowers and leaves from your garden, sprinkle them into a bowl of water, and leave overnight to freeze. Simple as that.

Then.. in the morning, magic will have happened! Lift your ice window out of the bowl and hang it on the line!


  1. what an enchanting idea! We just found some iced washing in the garden which is currently thawing out in one great disk but this we have to try! love and light X

  2. Ah yes, we had some washing of that variety too! Enjoy yours ice window making - it's an idea I got from Make it Wild, which is a book of outdoor craft activities that we've featured in JUNO before.

  3. I can't wait to try this! We're a little while off from wildflowers here (northern Canada)but it won't be long now



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