I love...peacocks, writing, the tea house, homemade cake, caramel, baby curls, circles, painting with my fingers, turquoise, Nina Simone, islands, the sea, white doves in flight, cherry trees in blossom, dark chocolate with orange, kissing squidgy flesh, fragrant roses, hot baths, conkers, circuses, stirring bubbling saucepans, herb gardens, wild windy days, rockpooling, picnics, the moon, weeping willows, punting down the Cam, cookery programmes, holding hands, fresh herb tea, melted cheese, being in flow, poetry, goddess soul sisters, blue against orange, red against magenta, walking round gardens, the British museum.
Flora Bowley |
I am inspired by... artists, the sea, wide open spaces, churches and temples, a capella singing, vibrant colour, gorgeous photographs, Thailand and Japan.
Izumi Omori - from Slippery Jacks |
I collect... sea shells, pine cones, round stones, sea glass, conkers, seasonal flowers, autumn leaves, art and craft materials, empty seed packets, cookery books... OK most books!, colourful necklaces, scarves, plants for my garden, pens, spirals, circles, blue pottery, oriental images with gold embossing, bright skirts
Do check out more of what I love on Pinterest!
Do share yours!