Friday, September 23, 2011

Joy Pockets

It's Friday, so it's time for Joy Pockets. 
Joining with Mon at Holistic Mama to celebrate my gratitudes for the week.

Blackberries in the hedgerows - can't pick them fast enough to pop into my baby birdies mouths!!

The love, support and wisdom of local elders 

Radical homemaking - we're taking another step along the path

The cosmic shifts happening right now


Asking for what you want...again and again and again...until you get it. The Universe rewards persistence!

Developing adult bonds of friendship with my siblings

The magic of a warm, freshly laid egg.

Do share your Joy Pockets with me below, and visit Holistic Mama to see what other bloggers are grateful for this week.


  1. Pepti formula on prescription and a happy baby!

    Not the blackberry's, ours are all gone... but our apples are finally ripe so apple cake it is.

  2. My, those blackberries look magnificent. I hope that whatever serendipity and persistence have brought into your life stays for as long as you need it!



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