Friday, August 12, 2011

Something for the weekend: cosmic bodies!

“Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow”
– T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men

So things were kicking off in London - riots, looting, anger, destruction, which hit everyone who has any connection with the UK hard, and left everyone wondering why...

Part of it is social, part economic, part cultural and part is cosmic... check out this great post on why criminality begins in the womb, from a yoga teacher' perspective ...

Cosmic? Yup... If you're into astrology and 2012 at all, then you might appreciate this explanation for why everything feels so at sea at the moment, why old patterns are coming up, along with lots of mental sludge. Hey Allie gives an insight into the cosmic overview

The next 18 days are important with a capital I, and in ways I don’t think any of us can fully comprehend.

A new lunar cycle began Saturday, July 30, and the Fifth Day of the Mayan Ninth Wave started today.
Within the year-long solar cycle, we’re crossing the mid-point between the June Solstice and September Equinox.

July 10-September 24 – Venus in the underworld
July 30 – Leo New Moon
July 31-August 17 – Day 5 of the Mayan Ninth Wave
August 1-7 – Lammas/Imbolc (Lughnasadh)
August 2-26 – Mercury retrograde
August 9-25 – Grand Cardinal Cross with Mars opposing Pluto, Uranus opposing Saturn
August 9 – Mars squares Uranus (exact)
August 10 – Mars opposes Pluto (exact)
August 12/13 – Aquarius/Leo Full Moon
August 16 – Venus-Mercury-Sun triple conjunction
August 18 – Fifth Night of the Mayan Ninth Wave begins
That’s a formidable line-up that speaks to the breakdown of existing order so that cosmic energies can flow, supporting the emergence of something new.  Grace fuels the chaotic energies.
Do visit her to read the whole post.

For a personal take on the sludgy feelling of blah, I loved clutterpunk's post "Angry Spoons"

I am joining women around the world for a moondance tomorrow night... do join us!
You are invited to join in a full moon dance August 13th, --Goddess energized 13! from wherever you are on our beautiful planet ... whenever you can take some time to bask in the moonlight. The theme for this moondance is deepening our LOVE and GRATITUDE for all that life is blessing us with.
So far, our Moondancing circle connects women from
Missouri; Illinois; Northern California; North Carolina; Cambridge, England; Amsterdam, Netherlands...

We can get extra magical benefits of our moon circle connection--healing and love light. I propose today and tomorrow we make a list of all the things we are grateful for, either written down or across your heart. The moon energy combined with our presence and awareness will infuse our bodies, minds and spirits--like a thankful tea, steeped full of love, moonlight, and thankfulness that we can drink for the next month.

Want to play together? To join us, list your town, state, country in this post and I will honor you and your location during my Circle.

Thanks to Becky for spreading the word and co ordinating this.

And finally - love your body as it is. According to a new website, My Body Gallery  which has pictures of real women's real bodies,   * 95% of non-eating disordered women overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25%, yet the same women were able to correctly estimate the width of a box.. Type in your stats and see how you REALLY look.
Happy weekend. Cheers to us! That's a chilled glass of sauvignon blanc in my hand! And a triple chocolate brownie for later. What'll you have?


  1. Thanks to all of those who have contacted me by email - I look forward to moon dancing with you this evening!

  2. A prayer/ blessing for the moon dance - courtesy of Becky the coordinator of the global moondance...

    Dear Creator of Our Beautiful Universe.

    Bless our beautiful Gaia our Mother Earth.

    Bless all living beings on our planet. We are all one.

    Open all hearts, minds and spirits to see the goodness that is ever-present, all the miracles, all, all, all that is pure and good and true. Open our hearts to see the inter-connected web that is on earth and through out the universe.

    Oh, luminous Light of the universe that bounces off this beautiful radiant and Sturgeon Full Moon, may your Light touch and permeate all hearts on Earth, and open all beings to feel gratitude for all that is deeply working for us. Let the Light work to decrease suffering, pain, and fear. Let your Light radiate within our atmosphere, permeate our oxygen, cleanse, re-energize and revitalize our planetary environment, water and all living things--seen and unseen, known and unknown.

    Let the Moonlight kiss every corner of our Mother and embrace and give deepfelt love and gratitude, to all souls, especially to those who may be disconnected from consciously experiencing the precious gift of life.

    Please send rays of light to help each being make good use of our power of choice. Help us to make choices that promote love, peace, and gratitude and limit suffering.

    Dear Creator, thank you for the blessing of Grace and thank you for all life.

    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Amen.



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