Monday, May 30, 2011

But I'm not creative...and other blocks to getting creative with our kids

Dear mama,

Sometimes we want to be creative, we want to be that mama who paints pictures every day, makes incredible scale models of the Titanic using only match sticks with their two year old, bake billowing cakes...but... you can't bake, you don't have time, it's too messy, your kids aren't xxxx....

What is holding you back... or perhaps what is making you feel like you should be creative?

I am researching a book on creative mamas and I want to hear from real mamas about real experiences of being creative with kids. Please do respond to the questions below either in the comments box or by emailing me

Do you consider yourself creative? What does a creative person look like to you?

Did you enjoy being creative as a kid?

What were your parents attitudes to creaitvity?

did you feel pressure to be creative as a mama? Where does this come from do you think?

What stops you getting creative with your own kids?

What do the negative voices in your head say when you are considering doing something creative with your kids? Or get started...?

How do you deal with these? 

Thank you for your honesty and time...

Please let me know how you would like your comments to be attributed: I would like to use first and last name, age, number of children and location, if this is acceptable to you:
(e.g. Lucy Pearce, 30, mother of 3 based in East Cork, Ireland)
Or more biographical information if you are happy...

I have big hopes to inspire mothers in their mothering and their creativity, and am really excited about you being part of this.

Thank you, thank you dear mama, for taking a moment and sharing so generously,

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