Friday, January 25, 2013

Kitchen Alchemy of a Yummy Mummy

When I'm feeling sad and blue.
Or just don't know what to do. 
I step up to the hob, my pans a-gleaming
Setting them going bubbling and steaming
Roasts and risolles, soups and stew
Frying, grinding, braising too
Spices and herbs to heal my woes
Garlic on fingers, chilli in my nose.
As I stir and pans a-simmer
I feel so hope begin to glimmer
The kitchen alchemy, with its rising steam
Stifles out my shouts and screams.
Onions are chopped, eggs beating, 
Straining, boiling, whisking, heating.
Cake or curry, pizza or jam
Elegant quiches from leftover ham.
What I cook matters less than the meaning it brings - 
Its warmth and its love to make my soul sing.
I let off my steam,  and feed my tummy
And I'm back to being a yummy mummy.

1 comment:

  1. love this Lucy, you ARE a yummy mummy in so many ways x x x



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