Friday, July 15, 2011

Joy Pockets

Wondering what to bake - oh the sweet, gooey possibilities

Direction with my writing - hurray, it feels like I have caught the train which for years I have chased after in my dreams, trying to jump on board and always missing it.

Our garden - full of roses - apricot, yellow and a hundred different pints, tumbling orange nasturtiums, scented sweet peas, honeysuckle and montbretia just about to come into full blaze 

Books - coming almost daily from Amazon, intellectual mama-crack!

Picnics for lunch every day this week.

Anticipation of a camping party with friends in our garden this evening - sausages and marshmallows on the campfire circle.

Our first caterpillar becoming a butterfly- and it's lime green! Two more twitching chrysalises to go

The wonder of circus - which makes me a child again too - marvelling at the magic and beauty of life, the skill of these superhuman beings.

Do share your joy pockets with me!


  1. A living, breathing, less than two pound miracle born at 28 weeks. I got to meet my niece today. I didn't know if I would even get the chance when my sister was dragged to an emergency c-section with me 600 miles away. HUGE joy pocket.

  2. What a MASSIVE joy pocket, Katrina. What a miracle! Thank you for sharing. I am so happy for you all.

  3. Thanks for this post. I'd much rather wake up and count my joy pockets rather than focus on little worries and problems. You have just helped me have a better day! :)
    PS I know it sounds strange, but my joy pockets today include loading the truck for a trip to the dump and helping my teens move a picnic table from the lower field to the backyard shade. ~Laura

  4. Thanks Laura! Delighted to have helped someone have a better day! The best joy pockets are the real ones, rather than the schmaltzy ones!

  5. books coming almost daily!? i've had this while in UK, pure magic lol

    you can link up here:

  6. Love love that lime green! Mikko's got a caterpillar named Runny who's about to build a cocoon. Very joyful stuff indeed. And I am thrilled to see our carnivorous plants popping up in their terrarium, and our garden in fine fettle. And seeing Mikko express joy at his grandparents' visit is happy-making.

  7. All three have hatched and flown away now - butterflies that is, not children!



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